Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I Have to Admit, Landed Myself in Some Great Drama

On the morning of the day that is both my second chemo treatment (the "mini") and the delivery day of a giant flat screen, 3-D, "Smart" TV (thanks Daddy!)… I'm thinking about my love of a good drama.

Not the petty kind of self-absorbed people, that's actually boring. Also not the kind of drama that is the result of someone being in some sort of denial or stuck in a self perpetuating negative cycle, that is too painful to watch. I'm talking the palm to the face, "I didn't see THAT coming" kind. You can't immediately guess how it will be resolved but you're invested in the characters so you want it to be resolved in a good way.  How their lives change as the navigate that drama is fascinating and often uplifting to me.

So it's kind of fitting that I just don't get the breast cancer that everyone knows about at a relatively young age, I get the one most do NOT know about. The super dramatic one:  intense treatment program and "exciting" survival odds. And I have to admit, I appreciate the drama of it all in a weird way.

Which shouldn't be a shocker given I am a major Walking Dead fan. For those who don't watch, that show is not about zombies so much but how people maintain their humanity. (Not that the zombies aren't awesome to watch!) Best episodes aren't just about surviving but finding a way to live in an existence that is uncertain, painful, scary and sad.

Though, I still get to benefit from having  cancer in this time in history.  Science has stepped up and given my doctors some great tools to kill this thing. I'm thinking also about the fact that there's entire industry around breast cancer with an awesome marketing machine behind it.  Count how many products have that pink ribbon on it. Which I completely I appreciate. Heck,  I just scored yesterday a monthly free maid service for the duration of my chemo because of this awareness.

So as I sip my green tea (coffee tastes funny to me now), I'm reflecting on the fact I landed myself is some good drama.

Of course, I would have preferred the drama to just remain in the entertainment world, but I wouldn't be me if I didn't pause and admire good drama when I see it.

1 comment:

  1. I know to well the cancer that you have. Stay strong and keep everyone around you. treatments have come along way in the last 20 years :)
