Saturday, July 12, 2014

Little Hammer Week & Mom Goes Home

I had my second chemo this week and must admit I went into with unrealistic expectations. Because I'm only getting one of the cancer killing drugs (as opposed to the three on "Hammer" day), I assumed the side effects would be minimal. I had been calling it "Mini Chemo" but a more apt name is "Little Hammer" because it still packs a punch.

Now I wasn't as exhausted, but it still knocked me on my butt the last couple of days in terms of fatigue. I'm also not getting a pass on the gastro related side effects.  If this follows the same timeline as before, by Sunday I should start to feel more like myself.

In other news… though they'll be back in a month, my mom and daughter left for Dallas yesterday. Which makes me a little sad but also a bit relieved.

Don't get me wrong, having my mom is both entertaining and reassuring. Her way of coping is also of great benefit to me personally. As I will be spending a great deal of time in the coming months at home, she was on a mission to make my place very comforting, which to her includes home improvement, organization and, of course, cleaning. She got more done in 10 days than I'd have done in 10 weeks. Plus I get the bonus of a visible reminder of just how much she loves me as I cope with the consequences of the aggressive treatment plan.

That said, Mom wore herself physically out. Then there is the emotional drain...

I know my cancer is hardest on her (and my dad).  Luckily, like myself, she also has an incredible support network where she lives. Which isn't surprising since both she and my dad raised me with the belief that part of taking care of yourself is building and maintaining supportive relationships.

So her returning home will allow her to be nurtured for awhile.  She got to see with her own eyes that she taught me well so I won't lack for anything while she is back in Dallas.

Not that she won't be busy as she (and rest of my family in Dallas) are giving me a great gift in having my daughter visit for the month while my son is at camp. Annie and I had a much different summer planned. The idea of everything being cancelled for her and being stuck at home with me was incredibly upsetting.  Thanks to my family, that won't be the case now.

But I will miss them both the next month. The peace of mind though is totally worth it.

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